This episode esc so tard because the scrittor was very impegned in many altre things. The scritttor asks sorry for the ritard.
In the scors episode we vid that the Maialin was sott the effect of LSD and caded from ten mila milion of meters.
He si sveglied in a white room. He pensed he was in paradis because he was dead. At one trat someone entred in the room. A beautiful gnocca vestit of infermier s’avvicined to him and said:
“Hey, Maialin… com’ te ste?”
And maialin risposed: “eee… so and so”
The beautiful gnocca tocched his front and the maialin feeled very happy. She passed her hand on Maialin’s gamb and then on his seder. Now Maialin feeled very excited. He had never met a so beautiful gnocca in his life. The only sexual experience he avev had was with a cricetin that abitav lung his street. Maialin chiuded his eyes, aspettand the moment quand the beautiful gnocca avrebb kissed him…
But improvvisament he sented a big dolor in his culett. He apred the eyes and vid: the beautiful gnocca wasn’t a real gnocca: she was a big cess! In realty she was only a cattiv infermier of the center dentr cui he was ricovered! He was ancor sott the effect of LSD and tut the experiences he proved were only a part of his immagination.
Maialin salted up and began to corr away from the room. He dovev scappar!
Will maialin can run away from the center of disintossication? You will see in the next episode: CORR MAIALIN, COOOORR!
The scrittor underlines that Megan Fox isn’t in alcun mod associated or authorized her compars in this story.