Stories of an italo-american Maialin Ep.2 – I Am The Legendary Maialin



In the scors episode the maialin was in the airplane di fianc al brutt man that faced explode the bomb…

maialin1maialin2The maialin didn’t capisc very ben quel that was accading. A big white light circonded him… and he vid… quand his mam vended his utero to a band of cattiv mans che faced some strange experiments on the maialins. He vid himself used by them that, with a gigant sirings, iniettet in him a green liquid… and he capid… he was special, different… he was gay… no no, he wasn’t gay… he was… a super maialin, a LEGENDARY MAIALIN!!

maialin3maialin4At one trat he ricorded his super fighis powers: the maialin vision (the extreme capacity to see all the person in a maialin costume), the super ultra figus capacity to diventar a tampax (util with the maialines), the extra strong force and the capacity to fly.

In a frazion of second he romped the finestrin of the airplane and voled away from the bomb that was brucing and distruggending all the plane, pensand only about his gay nature… no no, his supernatural nature. He capisced that he dovev to help the poor people and change the world. Now he sarebb go to america only to protect people and maialins from the pericols of life… but he was only sott the effect of LSD… he wasn’t capac to fly and caded from ten mila milion of meters and he romped all his osses…


What will accad to Maialin?? You will see it in the prox episode: “MAIALIN GOES TO DISINTOSSICAR HIMSELF”

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