Stories of an italo-american Maialin Ep.6 – A new amic… Ma very very more che an amic!



maialin1Stordit apred his occ… all intorn him was offusched and incompresible. “Maialin, Maialin… svegl yourself!”. A soft voice pronunced this words in Maialin’s orecc and si sveglied. A little white esser was di fianc to him. This esser was strange, buff… two balls were forming it, an arance nose and many bottons on his pett. “Ben svegliat maialin, I’m the Ricchion Nev-man and I’m here to help you. Or, change yourself and vien with me”.

The Ghiacc Castle

The Ricchion Nev-man ported Maialin in a ghiacc-castle. “Benvenut in my house, here you può do tut quant you want and prender tut quel that you want from the frigo” The Ricchion Nev-man diss “No, bè, here you può preparar yourself to sconfigg the cattiv infermiers that uccided Jim and imprisoned you. But you dev do only one cos to have tut this cos… you dev give me your cul!”

Maialin and Nev-man dop the tonf... or durant their sporcaccionats?


Maialin wasn’t sicur of what he avev sentit: “Cos? My cul? No! I’m not Ricchion com you… but, fors, it può esser a good experience…”. Maialin and the Ricchion Nev-man s’apparted in the camer da lett, si leved the vestid and with a big abbrac inizied to far the sporcaccionates. But at the improvvis a big tonf scossed the ghiacc-castle and they were costretted to interromp their sexual att.

What misterious thing interromped the moment of privacy of Maialin? You will scopr in the next episode: THE REVENGE OF THE GNU WITH THE VASECTOMY

Stories of an italo-american Maialin Ep.4 – Corr Maialin, coooorr!


In the scors episode Maialin was proving to scapp via from the center of disintossication.


The Doors
The Door
The Door

Maialin was very spavented and started to look intorn a him to find an uscit. He imbocched un corridor pien of doors dentr cui there were the other tossicodipendents (c’er pur Jim Morrison). The post was tut ugual and Maialin feeled confused and inizied to not capir nothing. At un trat he vid a door (it was not Jim Morrison) that sembred to port out the hospital. He proved to open it but he was sarad su. Mentr he was proving this he sented the voices of the infermiers that stavan cerching him. They avev troved him.

maialin2maialin3Maialin was at the strett… he dovev to prend a decision: sfondar the door (no, it’s not Jim Morrison…). He inizied to prend the rincors and sbatted his test on the door (NO! IT’S NOT JIM MORRISON! BAST ASK ME!). He colpisced so fort that the door… rested chiused… Now Maialin was pien of blood on his test and was very spavented about what the infermiers avrebb do with him. He dovev aprir the door, he dovev farcela, he dovev scappar.

maialin4Pien of force maialin s’alzed and riproved to open the door; he prended the rincors and colpisced again the door… but it was not the door, he was the Door: Jim Morrison!

“Alz yourself, Maialin! I will distray them. The door is open: tu dev sol girar the manigl! Go away! Scapp! Coooorr!” said Jim.

Maialin non se lo fec ripeter two times and esched from the hospital. E started to corr via pensand olny about his friend Jim that helped him. He dovev aiutar him to scapp away from the hospital. He sarebb tornat back to prend him and liberar him. Yes, he l’avrebb fatt!

Will be Maialin in grad to help Jim Morrison? You will discover it in the next episode: MAIALIN WASN’T IN GRAD TO HELP JIM MORRISON.

The scrittor sper that no one of Jim Morrison’s fans will have with him if he used him in his storia. The scrittor respect his death (probably by overdose): this is not a pres in gir of him. Thanks.