Willwoosh, il mio nuovo idolo di youtube

youtubeCome saggiamente disse Alessandro R., mio tutor nel laboratorio di programmazione, “Un’ora si lavora e sette si passano su youtube”. Bene, per applicarmi in questo non ho fatto così tanti sforzi poichè già ero un drogato di video cretini.

L’altro giorno sono incappato in un video di un utente, willwoosh: I-D-O-L-O! Veramente, credo di piegarmi dal ridere ad ogni suo video che fa, non solo perchè sono fatti veramente bene e perchè lui fa tutte le parti nei suoi sketch, ma anche perchè dice delle cose assolutamente vere! Quello che io magari scrivo sul blog, lui lo rende con il video. Le parole purtroppo non bastano a rendere l’idea, ecco perchè metto qui sotto il suo ultimo video e, per chi fosse interessato, basta solo visitare la sua pagina di youtube qui.

Have fun! More to come.

Stories of an italo-american Maialin Ep.5 – Maialin wasn’t in grad to help Jim Morrison



maialin1maialin2Maialin prepared him to combatt the infermiers and liberar Jim. He prended a big laser spad and ritorned in the hospital. The scene was very disgustos: Jim was in ostage of a big, gigant, super luridus infermier-godzilla that tegned in his zamps the cantant. Maialin proved to tagliar the zamp but the laser spad didn’t riesc a tagliar it. Ancor and ancor Maialin proved to make male to infermier-godzilla but nothing sembred scalfir it.

maialin3Maialin was stremed and very stanc. “What I dev to do? What?!” he pensed. And Maialin capisced: he dovev trasformar himself in super-sayan-Maialin-ultra-figus-gnagna-brutal-fighting-terompoerculo! Yes, he will tranform in SSMUFGBFT and finally he avrebb saved Jim!… He inizied to urlar like Goku, like quand a big sass pest your pied.

Conscius of his possibilities, Maialin si prepared and inizied to gridar “Ka-Me-A-Me…” But he didn’t riesc a concluder the fras because the infermier-godzilla colpisced him and scaravented him tant but tant kilometers lontan from the hospital… Maialin wasn’t in grad to hel Jim Morrison and, stremed, s’addormented… but not sol.

Who is this new personage that is comparsed? You will discover in the next episode: A NEW AMIC… MA VERY VERY MORE CHE AN AMIC!

Stories of an italo-american Maialin Ep.3 – Maialin goes to disintossicar himself


This episode esc so tard because the scrittor was very impegned in many altre things. The scritttor asks sorry for the ritard.

In the scors episode we vid that the Maialin was sott the effect of LSD and caded from ten mila milion of meters.


maialin1He si sveglied in a white room. He pensed he was in paradis because he was dead. At one trat someone entred in the room. A beautiful gnocca vestit of infermier s’avvicined to him and said:

“Hey, Maialin… com’ te ste?”

And maialin risposed: “eee… so and so”

maialin3The beautiful gnocca tocched his front and the maialin feeled very happy. She passed her hand on Maialin’s gamb and then on his seder. Now Maialin feeled very excited. He had never met a so beautiful gnocca in his life. The only sexual experience he avev had was with a cricetin that abitav lung his street. Maialin chiuded his eyes, aspettand the moment quand the beautiful gnocca avrebb kissed him…

maialin2But improvvisament he sented a big dolor in his culett. He apred the eyes and vid: the beautiful gnocca wasn’t a real gnocca: she was a big cess! In realty she was only a cattiv infermier of the center dentr cui he was ricovered! He was ancor sott the effect of LSD and tut the experiences he proved were only a part of his immagination.

Maialin salted up and began to corr away from the room. He dovev scappar!

Will maialin can run away from the center of disintossication? You will see in the next episode: CORR MAIALIN, COOOORR!

The scrittor underlines that Megan Fox isn’t in alcun mod associated or authorized her compars in this story.

Dj Lubel – The Wrong Hole (Il Buco Sbagliato)

Non ho la più pallida idea di quante volte abbia visto questo video! Lo adoro! La canzone è demenziale ma orecchiabile, il video è fatto benissimo e per questo mi sento in dovere di spammarlo sul mio sito.

Piccola curiosità: L’amico del cantante è Scott Baio, l’attore che interpretava il cugino (sfigato) di Fonzie in Happy Days

Stories of an italo-american Maialin: Ep.1 – The Brutt Man




There was, tanti years fa, one maialin italo-american that went in America to impar the lingua and diventar rich. He was very piccol quand decided to lasciar his home and andar in gir per the world. His papà was an american but his mam was italian. They said to him: “Car figliol, go away from casa! Go to America and impar the lingua, it will be util for your future, così you’ll divent rich! Anch se you have only six mesi of life, go away and divent a perfect italo-american maialin!”.

maialin3maialin4Quind, the maialin parted and went to the airport. But his viagg wasn’t so facil! Quand was sedut on the plane, he vid a strange cosa: one big brutt man with a big turbant on his head and a face da very cattiv, ma proprio cattiv man! Maialin was scared. He pensed that the brutt man was a terrorist and allor inizied to sudar fred. Cas vuol che the brutt man si sieded di fianc to him. Maialin was ancor more spavented! Now he could anch a sentir his fetor and his puzz of terrorist, a puzz that nobody can immagin, the puz of “eau de toilette n°5”.

maialin5The plane parted, and Maialin was more and more spavented. At un cert point the brutt man tired out a big scatola from his zain. Maialin thinked it was a bomb and inizied to cry. Vedend quest, the brutt man diced him, with his brutt ma propry brutt voice, that fa spaventar tutt the world: “Hey, Maialin, svelg, svegl! We are arrived!”. Maialin didn’t capisc immediately, but poi realized: it was only a dream! “Stupid Maialin that I am, you’re not a brutt terrorist man, you’re only a part of my immagination!”. But Maialin wasn’t right. In fact the brutt man was prending around him and was a real terrorist and… BOOOM! The bomb esploded!


What will accad to Maialin?? You will see it in the prox episode: “I AM THE LEGENDARY MAIALIN”